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deskgameVerification standards: It is important for casino to verify your identity. No matter how fast a withdrawal you want, safeguards against identity theft or outright robberies are vital to be active at all times. It is possible to go overboard, so we looked to see how much in the “sweet spot” online casinos choose to be. deskgameTournaments: This promotion is in regard to the Spin Race Tournament. On select games, every spin earns you points. The more you climb on the leaderboard, the more you spin, racking up points with the goal of claiming victory. Players need only have an active and valid account and log in and play the selected games. You can earn GC if you are playing with GC or SC if you are playing with SC. deskgameVerification standards: It is important for casino to verify your identity. No matter how fast a withdrawal you want, safeguards against identity theft or outright robberies are vital to be active at all times. It is possible to go overboard, so we looked to see how much in the “sweet spot” online casinos choose to be. deskgameMost casino sites will give you somewhere between seven and 30 days to meet any wagering requirements. Read the terms and conditions to see exactly when a bonus expires.